
Tiny Homes
& ADUs.

Pennsylvania, a state rich in history and natural beauty, is known for its charming small towns, rolling farmlands, and the iconic city of Philadelphia, offering a mix of urban excitement and peaceful countryside.

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At a Glance.

Requires effective climate control


Building Considerations.

As one of the northern-most states, Pennsylvania can face some harsh weather. Investing in high quality insulation for your Pennsylvania tiny home is one of the best investments you can make. The better insulated your home, the easier it will be to maintain a comfortable temperature year-round with maximum energy efficiency. At Wind River, all our homes are constructed with 2×4 framing and closed cell spray foam insulation, which has by far the highest R-value available for the tiny home application. It also ensures superior structural rigidity—especially important for tiny homes on wheels—and acts as an additional vapor and water barrier. The wooden construction also allows less air infiltration than steel framing.

For any non-foundation structure, free moving air under the home can affect your indoor heating and cooling. We use spray foam insulation and cover the underside of your tiny home with a critter barrier to ensure there is no disruption to the insulation and reduce the risk of any issues. Additionally, there are endless skirting and decking options that can not only add curb appeal for your home, but act as a further critter and weather barrier.

Additionally, there are endless skirting and decking options that can not only add curb appeal for your home, but act as a further critter and weather barrier. All of this works together to keep the hot out and cold in, making your Pennsylvania tiny home a relaxing oasis.


Pennsylvania’s friendliness towards tiny living varies across different municipalities, with some areas being more open and accommodating to tiny homes as a housing option, while others may have more restrictive zoning regulations. However, the state’s growing interest in sustainable and affordable living is leading to increased discussions and initiatives related to tiny home living. Below are some great resources to get you started on your Pennsylvania tiny home journey.

Learn more about Care & Maintenance.





Refine Your Vision.

Looking for inspiration as you plan your right-sized living project? Take a closer look with our interactive map, fuel your creativity with our catalog, or explore our modular ADU models.

Take a closer look with our interactive map.

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Wind River crafts homes that are built for freedom. Whether you’re a home buyer looking for the right solution or a developer planning your next big project, we promise to build the right way right alongside you.

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